They came today to go over his evaluation results. He is at least 33% behind in all areas. In fine motor skills he is at a 4 month level. So I was right about him not developing since 4 months. He has been at a stand still. She feels that it is because he has Hypertonicity, which means that he has increased muscle tone. I am really trying not to look into this or jump to conclusions. Of course I had to google it, which I know is bad. Hypertonicity is one of the major signs of cerebral palsey. I am praying and trusting in the Lord. If it is cerebral palsey, I will still love him and do everything in my power to help him. I will be an advocate for my son. No matter what it takes.
I am going to call my doctor tomorrow because I want to have him tested, but we don’t have an appointment until March 17th. I am hoping they will tell me what I need to do. If not I am going straight to the Children’s hospital. I still may do that. We will see. As far as the Early Intervention, they will be coming once a week for occupational and probably physical therapy too. It will be two different people and agencies doing them. I am ready to get started and get some answers.
I really thought I would feel better after today, but I feel worse. Looking at this face makes me feel blessed though.
I do want to say thanks again for all your sweet words, encouragement and prayers. You all really mean so much to me.
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