We took Dustyn to the Airport to look at the airplanes they had on display Saturday. It was rainy, windy and cold so they didn’t have much to look at so it was a little boring. Dustyn did enjoy looking at all the planes though. They had the Candy Bomber plane there to drop candy bars, but rescheduled that to next Saturday. We would go but we are suppose to go to Busch Garden’s Christmas Town. I can’t wait!
We took our Christmas Card Photos today. Hopefully I can decide on one. One photo Dustyn and Kenny looked great and I looked awful. Then in the pictures I looked good Dustyn was crying (since he hadn’t had a nap) or he was looking in a different directions. So hopefully I can pick on that looks pretty good for all 3 of us. Here is a photo of Dustyn by himself today.

I am officially 18 weeks pregnant now. I haven’t gained any weight yet so that is good and I am still wearing my pre-maternity pants. My belly is definitely showing now (but it just looks fat to me, I am waiting for it to tighten up. lol!) Two weeks from tomorrow we find out what we are having. I can’t wait! I am soooo excited.