I am writing this from my new nook color, that I got for mother’s day. I am loving it so far. Kenny is such a great hubby. He is a computer whiz so he has it rooted. So I can put any android apps on it. If you know any good apps let me know. 🙂
I hope everyone had a great day. We went to my uncles house for a cookout. It was a lot of fun and good food. I will post some photos later. I actually got a picture with my boys. YAY! I have been sick all weekend. I hope that I start feeling better soon. I have a lot of work to do for Carsyn’s 1st birthday part.
Summer says
Tiffany Rhodes says
sabrina says
Mama Monkey says
WeeMason's Mom says
Jessica says
joy says
Angela says
amy@agoodlife says
Jenn says