What is a week without a random post? Right? Hope you all are having a great week so far. It has been crazy around here, but what is new?
So you all saw in my Scavenger Hunt Sunday that we went to the mud races Saturday so here are a few more pictures from that. Demolition Derby 4WD style and mud races.
Dustyn was at his Poppy’s house. He missed all the fun, but I think Carsyn enjoyed being the only child for a day. The middle photo is Carsyn and I with Dennis Anderson. I set the shot up but then forgot to tell my cousin how to back button focus. Opps. Anyways it is the moment captured. I love the look on Carsyn’s face. He was in awe.
I also took some more Low Key Photos. If you missed the tutorial on Tuesday check it out. It was so fun! My boys and their technology.
Here is my favorite photo this week. I took it during the other shots, but thought it looks so cool in color because of his red shirt and blue eyes.