I had lots of friends and family share this new product on my page called the Upsee Harness. From the same company there is a GoTo Seat. I realized that both products would make our lives better. Carsyn would have more interaction with his peers. We wouldn’t have to use his wheelchair all the time. Both products together would be around $850. Insurance would not pay for these products, and I know we couldn’t pay for them out of pocket. A couple friends suggested that I start a fundraising page. So I did. In about 24 hours my goal was met. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I had planned on posting about it on my blog and asking for donations, but guess that isn’t necessary. I just want to say thank you all!! You all are just wonderful to my family.
I go to my first OB appointment today at 3:30. Can’t wait to see Baby #3 on the ultrasound. I am excited and nervous! Hope you all have a great day. I will be back with Catch the Moment later today or tomorrow.
Ida says
Sarah says
Erica Brown says
Sarah says
Stephanie Clark says
Sarah says