I just realized that I never posted an update about Carsyn’s Speech and Feeding Evaluation. I also did not post about what happened with SSI on Wednesday. So here is a little update on Carsyn.
He had his feeding/speech evaluation last Thursday. She watched him eat and communicate. She also felt around his mouth, etc to see what muscles were working and so forth. I have not gotten the “official” report back but she said everything looked great. In FACT he was doing way more then he should be doing with the motor skills he has. That felt so good to hear. She said just keep doing what I am doing because he is doing great. She is going to tell the Occupational Therapist a few exercises to do with his mouth to keep him learning new skills, but right now he does not need a third therapy. And for that I am grateful.
{these were taken with my point & shoot at play group today}
Now for the SSI thing. It just makes me mad. We get there, wait about 20 minutes then sit down with the lady. Now granted I had called ahead and gotten an appointment and filled out a ton of paperwork already. So she asks a few questions. Then she says well your husband makes too much money. You don’t qualify. It ends up that he makes a few hundred dollars gross income too much a month. So we can not get it. She told us to go apply for medicaid. That is the next step. She did say it was good we went ahead and applied for SSI cause the medicaid office would have wanted us to do that first.
That is where we are now. He is getting his AFO’s on Tuesday and still waiting to hear about his stroller and stander. Hopefully we will hear something soon. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. They mean a lot to me.
Oh and on a side note? This little boy right here?
Has captured my heart a lot over the past few nights. At VBS he picked these weeds flowers and gave them to me and his VBS Teacher.
Then last night I was wearing my awesome new necklace from After Nine to Five. Pictured here below, that I got off of her shops page
and Dustyn says to me, “I like your new necklace mommy. ” This was as I was leaving his room after putting him to bed. Seriously so adorable. I love him so much. He had been wanting Carsyn to go to VBS so last night I took them both. Dustyn was sooooo excited to have Carsyn there.
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