First of all today is my mom’s birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!! I love you, you are such an awesome mom. Thanks for everything you do for the boys & I. Hope you have a great day!
We have been having some GORGEOUS weather. Well gorgeous for January, highs in the mid 50s and 60s. The boys are really enjoying playing and swinging outside.
I do have a story to share about Dustyn. He has a problem with keeping his gum in his mouth. Well the other day he decided he would out gum all over his tummy, legs and neither regions. I had to get it off and he was not happy about that. I am sure it did not feel good. I tried peanut butter, vaseline, ice and finally baby oil. It took all of those and a hot bath to get it off. I am praying that he learned his lesson and will never do that again. I am going to start this as a series because I am sure this will not be the last crazy thing the boys will do.
Linking up with This or That Thursday
