Carsyn is 4 months old today. Seriously where is the time going? It is disappearing in front of my eyes. If it wasn’t for my pictures I would never know the last 4 months even happened.
Carsyn can now sit up on his own for a few seconds. Of course he is no where near able to do it without me there to catch him. I will be so excited when he can sit up completely by himself for pictures.
He has stopped sleeping 12/13 hours straight and now wakes up 1-2 times a night. I think he may actually be hungry. He is getting to be a big boy. I am trying to wait to start solids until he is 6 months old. I don’t mind him waking up once a night to eat. It is nice being with him in the still of the night. Just me and him.
“How long is this going to take? I am on a schedule here.”
He loves to chew on his hands, but sometimes has a hard time actually getting them to his mouth.
“Mom, why are you singing to me?”
He loves being sung to. If he is fussy, he will calm right down. Just like when I took these pictures. He was not a happy camper, but when I started singing he just stared at me. {no I can not sing good, maybe that is why he is looking at me funny…}
He is still happy most of the time, unless he is hungry or sleepy. Carsyn takes 2 naps in the morning and usually 1 long nap in the afternoon. Occasionally he will break that nap into 2 naps. He is in bed by 7:30 and usually up for the day around 7.
He absolutely adores his daddy. Unlike Dustyn, I think he is a Daddy’s boy. When Dustyn was this age he didn’t want anything to do with anyone besides me.
He has rolled over both ways a couple of times, but nothing consistent. He loves to stand up while you are holding his hands. I am so happy to have Carsyn in my life. He has been a true joy to our family. I think Carsyn & Dustyn will have a great time playing together when he gets older. “
Kelly @ In Everything says
He's a big boy like Nate;) But poor Carsyn doesn't have ANY hair!! I love his eyes... be glad he's only waking once... Nate has finally started waking only twice (1 and 4)... we've tried just giving him the paci... he looks soo offended! ha ha haa:)
Wendi says
zookeeperjess says
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